
1987-88 Group 4

"Alissa and Will on Seacliff"
Point Reyes National Seashore, CA . 1988

"Will in Orange Railway Car"
California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento, CA. 1988

"Big Rock"
Big Rock Ridge, CA. 1988

"Brilliant Worship"
St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, CA. 1988

"Big Sculpture"
Will posing in Sculpted Rock. Lamantour Beach, Pt. Reyes NS, CA . 1988

"Big Leapers"
Killer Whales at Marine World, CA. 1988

Lookdown fish at Marine World, CA. 1988

Back to 1987 to 1988

All Photographs ©1987-88 John Pritchard
Last Updated June 14, 2005